Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rear Window

Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Director: Alfred Hitchcock
Year Released: 1954
Run Time:122 minutes

The simple masterpiece is about a photographer who has broken his leg and is bored at home recovering. He sits at his window and watches the neighbors. One day something happens and he suspects one of his neighbors of murdering their wife.

Response: I went into this film think "You're not in the mood for this film, your going to hate it, your an idiot and going to ruin one of Hitchcock's classics that you really liked the first time" seriously with in 5 minutes I was fully into it. Rear Window is the most basic story that is so clever and involving it's not funny.

It's so clever in the way it unfolds because it really makes the audience feel on the level with the characters in the same big game of detective. It's a whole lot of little suspicious things that the suspect does that makes you wonder if he killed his wife, each of which could be simply explained individually but put together really makes you ponder. James Stewart really is one of my favorite actors, all of his film I really like. He always has great charisma and his characters are so easy to like. Grace Kelly too does a magnificent job and the part where she looks up and says "Tell me exactly what you saw and what you think it means." makes me clap. The relationship that forms in rear window too is really amazing. I enjoyed seeing James and Kelly's characters similar to how I enjoy the love relationship in Streetcar of City Lights.

I enjoy the way this film has been edited it short clips, like Memento (but not backwards) it lets us see the important parts and feel that a lot of time passes between each scene as well as adding a good pace to the film. The conversation to is amazing it's a film with great dialogue. I epically like Stella for he dialogue. Rear Window flows beautifully thought the story never getting boring, its super interesting right from the first second and slowly tension goes perfectly and steadily upwards until it reaches it's climax at the end. Rear Window has only great points to it and is up with The Godfather in a least flawed film category.

Rating: Top Films

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